
Infinite Clock | Quartz

Mar 9, 2023

When Jacob discovers his newfound ability to manipulate time, he unintentionally disrupts the very fabric of the universe, causing chaos across multiple dimensions and timelines. As he encounters various adversaries and pursuers, he forms an unlikely alliance with friends who are willing to help him. His best friend, Enzo, may become his greatest foe, and two enigmatic sisters from a parallel universe join their quest. Together, they embark on a perilous journey to restore order to the cosmos, battling formidable foes along the way. Will Jacob be able to mend the universe and defeat all adversaries, or will he face the agonizing decision of sacrificing a friend for the greater good of humankind?


Netherlight Library

(The year 1921, New Jersey U.S)

"So, any idea how we get out of this place?" asked Epouchiom demandingly, while running her thumb across the dusty staircase as she walked towards a half-rotting altar and then shooting it a disgusted look afterwards. It was weird for Epouchiom to be in such an eerie but comfortable place all at once. The room was a poorly lit area with limited light slipping through the cracks of the mossy cobblestone walls. With all the fuzziness of the abandoned library, she felt a bizarre chill she had never felt before. She wasn't alone though. Her witty but brain-numb older sister was there with her. Her sister always wore monochrome colors and did not prefer bright ones. She didn't know why though. Preference, maybe? That was her guess.

"We've been looking for an exit in the past few minutes, still nothing," responded her sister, Oreveu, breaking into Epouchiom's chain of thoughts while staring at a French dictionary intently. "Are you sure you're trying to find an exit and not staring at a book you don't even need or anything related to a hidden exit?" shot Epouchiom, shooting a glare at her sister. Oreveu didn't notice it, though. She was still reading the 'R' section in the dictionary, paying no attention to her little sister's efforts.

"Wait! I think I found an exit!" exclaimed Epouchiom enthusiastically as she made an effort to pull on a rusting lever on the other side of the cobblestone cracks. Alas, the hidden door was revealed as it levitated the cobblestone upwards with a grinding and high-pitched scraping sound that seemed like it was never going to end. "Good grief!" shouted Oreveu while covering her ears and squinting at the sound. The sound finally came to an end as they walked out of the library.

Sequoia Academy

(The year 2020, New Jersey U.S)

"Yo, Wassup, man?" greeted Jacob to Enzo as he ollied his skateboard down the campus of the academy. "Oh hey, Jacob!" called out Enzo. As Jacob zoomed through the hall, he was distracted by the thought of how he gained his nickname, 'Jacbob,' by many students in the academy, including the teachers. Lost in thought, he hadn't realized that his skateboard was about to crash into the academy wall until it was too late. He crashed face to face onto the wall. "Shit!" exclaimed Enzo in bewilderment as he came running towards Jacob. "Are you alright, mate?" asked Enzo in a concerned tone while helping Jacob up. "Yeah, I'm fine, but my skateboard isn't. My brain kinda got occupied," responded Jacob, reaching out his right hand to meet Enzo's grasp.

"Are you trying to go to the backrooms? It seems like you are, judging from your earlier actions. No-clipping with a skateboard and no essentials is a no-brainer, though..." Enzo started, but he was interrupted by the loud ringing of the school bell. "Alright, see you in class," said Jacob, ignoring Enzo's testimony about the backrooms. As they walked to class, Jacob noticed a rustic glint on the corner of the storage room's door, followed by a blinding white color. He stared at it in curiosity, and suddenly, it flashed a gloomy yellow-green color. That's when he realized and told himself, "They're here."

Enzo caught up to him, overhearing what he said. "Who's 'they'?" asked Enzo. "The watcher of the quartz clock is coming for me," said Jacob breathlessly. "The who?" asked Enzo cluelessly as Jacob ran towards a wall and slammed into it. Enzo watched in bewilderment as Jacob disappeared into thin air.